
Sunday, April 4, 2010


" Perhaps, the World is true when they say the Human heart speaks the best language when he is hurt. 
    Sometimes with his voice n sometimes in sighs and silence. Heart might be the only organ in the body which                              cries without any kind of physical hurt. 

Sometimes the heart weeps. Music gives him background for his pain. Mostly he wont approach his best friend 'books' or even the pen with which you hav written all kinds of rubbish in your life. But you miss them... Pretending not to have seen them. you will be all alone in the crowd. Sheding tears silently so as to satisfy the society's norms. 

Pain hurts.... Express yourself... The meaning of your life is to Express yourself. Not to impress others...
The world is a crazy one. She might smile @ you today. Tomorrow you might find her with somebody in bed.
Life hurts...... and I'm hurt    

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